When and How to apply?

Open days: here (in Czech)


  • 3rd March 2022, 14:00 CET (PhD program Philosophy with the Centre for Ethics)
  • 10th March 2022, 14:00 CET (MA program Ethics and Political Philosophy, Zoom link here)
  • 14th April 2022, 14:00 CET (MA program Ethics and Political Philosophy, Zoom link here)

Dates, information and links for:



Programmes taught in English

MA programme Ethics and Political Philosophy 

  • Deadline of applications for the ac. year 2023/2024: 21/04/2023; Second round of applications: 11/08/2023
  • Admission Requirements
  • Date of admission exam: 06/06/2023; Second round of applications: 28/08 - 29/08/2023 (concrete day to be specified later)
  • Number of admitted students for the ac. year. 2023/24: cca 25

PhD program PhilosophyPhD program Philosophy (with the Centre for Ethics)

  • Deadline of applications for the ac. year 2023/2024: 30/04/2023
  • Admission Requirements (CE)
  • Date of admission exam: May 2023 (concrete day to be specified later)
  • Number of admitted students for the ac. year. 2023/24: cca 5

Enrolment date: 01/09 - 08/09/2023 (concrete day to be specified later)
Beginning of study in 2023/2024: 25/09/2023
How to apply




Programmes taught in Czech

Bachelor programmes

Deadline of applications for the ac. year 2023/2024: 21/04/2023; Second round of applications: 11/08/2023
Date of admission exam: 06/06/2023; Second round of applications: 21/08/2023

  • Bachelor programme Philosophy (in Czech) - Requirements for the admission exam, number of admitted students for the ac. year 2023/2024: approx. 25 
  • Bachelor programme Religious studies (in Czech) - Requirements for the admission exam, number of admitted students for the ac. year 2023/24: approx. 20
  • Joined study Philosophy - Religious studies
  • Joined study Religious studies - Philosophy


Master programmes

Deadline for applications for the ac. year 2023/24: 28/04/2022; Second round of applications: 11/08/2023
Date or admission exam: 08/06/2023; Second round of applications: 28/08 - 29/08/2023 (concrete day to be specified later)

  • Master programme Philosophy (in Czech) - Requirements for the admission exam, number of admitted students for the ac.year 2023/2024: approx. 25
  • Master programme Religious studies (in Czech) - new students not admitted any more


Doctoral programmes

Deadline for applications for the ac. year 2023/24: 30/06/2023
Date or admission exam: 01 – 08/09/2023

  • PhD programme Philosophy (in Czech) - Requirements for the admission exam, number of admitted students for the ac. year 2023/2024: approx. 5
  • PhD programme Religious studies (in Czech) - new students not admitted any more




How to apply?

Electronic Admission Application

Application information: here

Application fees: 

  • for study programmes taught in Czech: 600 CZK
  • for study programmes taught in English: 2000 CZK 

 Абітурієнти з України, які мають візу за режимом «тимчасового захисту» в Чехії, звільняються від сплати вступного внеску. / Applicants from Ukraine in the regime of "temporary protection" in Czechia are exempt from paying the Admission feeSpecial subsidy for applicants from Ukraine, please contact ondrej.krasa@upce.cz.

Further information for prospective students: here

We advise international students applying for English-language MA and PhD studies to consult application information here (MA) and here (PhD). You will find there more detailed description of necessary documents, admission fees, and info about nostrification and enrolment.




Contacts for Inquiries

Department Secretary: Renata Konfrštová

Faculty Study Department

  • officer for MA "Ethics and Political Philosophy": Michaela Fišerová
  • officer for PhD studies: Ing. Iveta Němcová
  • inquiries related to study, application forms, enrolment and necessary documents, diploma nostrification, credits, etc.

University International Department

  • officer for international students and employees: Ing. Libuše Cermanová
  • inquiries related to visas, nostrifications, health insurance, moving to the Czech Republic

Department assistant for international students: Mgr. Diana Kalášková

  • assistence with arriving to Pardubice, getting around the campus, arranging accomodation, etc.
